Ask yourself the HARD questions

In life I really think the difference between achieving things in life and going further starts with asking yourself the hard questions and really being honest to holding yourself accountable.


Think about it, when someone asks us hard questions, we get a little uncomfortable, but we trouble shoot problems with someone and find answers. Then we thank our friends, mentors or whoever we are talking to for helping us but we won’t always have someone there, so we need to learn to help ourselves by asking the hard questions.


Some of my favourites are:


  • If you receive a negative comment from someone else or have a negative thought, we simply ask yourself – “is it true”? 9/10 times it isn’t true so we can disregard the comment and move on instead of stewing on it for hours and letting it consume our day.
  • Now in terms of goals, we set goals all the time but when we don’t achieve a goal sometimes all it comes down to is our choices. So, a simple question to ask ourselves is “does this fit my goals?” … Now if your goal is to lose weight and you drive past McDonald’s and you go to pull into the drive through, you ask yourself “does this fit my goals” and this will help you to keep driving past and wait till you get home to eat food.
  • Last one I will leave you with is when we are torn between situations, people, emotions or anything else simply as “does this value my life” if it doesn’t value you in any way well get rid of it…


So, find some hard questions that you need to start asking yourself in life.

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