Building awareness of our thoughts

This can be a tricky one as we have around 6200 thoughts per day for an average person. 

We want to be more positive and optimistic when it comes to our thoughts not just for ourselves but also our kids, friends and family members. 

The thoughts we have can have a big impact on our daily living and lifestyle choices so it is certainly something I believe we should always be working on. 

It isn’t something you are going to always be perfect at but as long as you try you will see a great change in many aspects of life. 

  • First we want to learn to catch ourselves out when we have a negative thought and say to it “not true”. 
  • Next we want to practice self talk multiple times a day - example I am strong, I am good enough, I am smart and I can do this. 
  • If you really want to see how many negative thoughts you have in a day use your phone notes as a little activity and each time you have a negative comment, complain about something or have a bad attitude towards somethings put a cross in your notes. See how many you get in a day and your goals is to get it down to none! This activity really puts it into perspective how we are really thinking. It only works thought if you are honest. 

See how you go with those 3 tips to help build awareness to our thoughts!

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