Compare, complain or criticise

It seems to be a natural thing for most to start comparing to others when we see them in person or on social media. 

This starts to have a really negative impact on our thoughts and outlook during the day which turns into a lifestyle choice. 


I want reading a book called “think like a monk” by Jay Shetty and he had a great activity in there for this negative habit that most of us do without even realising and that is why I want to share it with you. 


It is called compare, complain or criticise. The way it works either on paper or I found it easier in my phone notes as I always have my phone on me. 

Keep a tally of each time you either compare yourself to something or someone, complain about something or start to criticise anything. 


This is a great little eye opener to what we really think throughout the day. The idea is to have no marks next to any of them! 


See how you go! 

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