Don't listen to everyone

Don't listen to everyone

Mannnnn if I listened to every piece of advice I got I’d probably be NO WHERE with a shit load of useless ideas that turned into nothing and wasted a shit load of time.
Everyone seems to be a master of opinions, assumptions and telling others what to do but only I’d say 50% of the world actually know what they’re talking about.
You are the master of your life, the leader of your ideas and the boss to any creations you want to do. So this is me saying follow your gut, don’t do the basics, don’t stick to the rules, don’t wait JUST DO.
Now I said don’t listen to everyone BUT there are people you should defiantly have chats with, get ideas, bubble up new concepts or even talk about topics you both have different views on but can agree to disagree. That stuff is healthy but not all the time.
Just because someone gives you advice doesn’t mean you have to do it but just take it on board and if it’s pointless throw it out the window. Take in what you need and always value an opinion to be respectful this isn’t a permission slip to tell people they are wrong or dumb.
This is a simple kick START to the mind that YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU WANT and just because someone said it is impossible or to them wrong doesn’t mean it actually is.
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