Fixed Mindset VS Growth Mindset

When it comes to our mind there are two ways, we can think… We can either have a view from a fixed mindset or a view from a growth mindset.

 Let me show examples and let’s see if you are more of a fixed or a growth mindset type person.  The idea is after this if you are more fixed then this is a great opportunity to change the way you think and if you are a growth mindset person then this is your opportunity to reiterate those thoughts.

Example of fixed mindset thoughts:

  • Failure defines me – if you are not succeeding 24/7 then you are not good enough.
  • You shouldn’t have to try you should just be good at something otherwise don’t bother.
  • You refuse to ask for help when you are stuck
  • You blame other people or other situations for issues or problems in your life

If this sounds like you well now is a great time to break out of this mindset and change!

Examples of growth mindset thoughts:

  • I see failure or mistakes as a chance to learn something new
  • I will work hard until I become good at something, everything requires hard work and dedication if you wish to succeed.
  • I will always ask for help if I am unsure or need extra assistance.
  • I will take responsibility for any problems or issues that are in my life. I am in control of my life.

This is the mindset that will help us grow in life and become stronger, better and more confident humans.

Side note: see how I changed the wording in the second paragraph to I instead of you? I want you to read that out loud to yourself and reiterate that this is how you want to think and how you want to view the world.

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