Integrity for YOU!

Integrity for YOU!

You have it for others but not for yourself… I bet you are sitting there thinking pfft I do so have integrity what is she on about?
Think about this… You would never let your friends down if they asked you to go for coffee you make sure you’re there. If a friend or family member asks you to pick their kids up from school you wouldn’t be a second late to get those kids would you?
So you have more integrity for someone else over your own self.
To prove this let’s ask ourselves how many times have you set an alarm to wake up early to go to the gym, go for a walk, see the sunrise or just get up earlier so you aren’t rushed for work but you hit snooze and roll over?
Or how many times have you promised yourself you’ll eat better, limit alcohol, go for a run after work, not eat lunch out every day and it latest 1 week or it never happened?
Do what you’d do for others for yourself. Start putting yourself first and have integrity for you who are and what you want!
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