You should be studying this degree, you should be working this job and this many hours, you should give up sports now because you should be focused on work, you should stay home and save and not go out….
Screw "you should be"
I’ll be blunt… Shove your should be and opinions where the sun don’t shine.
I’m over hearing people tell others what they should be doing with their life, money, kids, job etc. STAY IN YOUR LANE.
I’m going to use my not so perfect life, but to me personally I think it’s pretty great for this example;
I am a gay, young, tattooed, shaved head, high school drop out with split parents and I don’t even know my biological father… That to most of the world wouldn't be doing anything to grand…
WELL that drop out own’s a business, with a number of certificates/diplomas next to my name, is a role model to kids, a successful personal trainer/coach, a footballer who makes a wage playing, a big sister that can lend a hand to my little sister when she needs support and a pretty decent daughter in making sure one day with all my hard work I can give back to my mum.
How did I get here? Well firstly of course massive credit my mum for raising me right and being disciplined from a young age with football camps but also being super stubborn to not listen to others opinions and have confidence in myself to do what I wanted to do. I figured out what I enjoyed, what I was good at and I ran with that. 100% focus and time went into creating me today.
There is no right path, there is not a map of life, no one knows what the hell is going on and we are all stumbling around figuring it out as we go. If someone tells you they have their shit together well…. they’re full of shit!
If you know what you want to do, go do it. Study the right courses that interest you, work the job that you want to turn up everyday pumped to be there. Work your damn ass off and DON’T take anything less than what you want to be doing.
Be proud of who you are and never be afraid to express yourself. Wear that t-shirt that you love, say yes to those plans because you really want to go, change jobs a million times until you find what you love, go study a course, finish it then go study another if you like. Get that tattoo, buy that motorbike, run that race, change your hair colour, move overseas just go live because I’m over people telling others how to live. It’s not your life so leave them alone and focus on your own life.