Self Love

Self love comes in many forms but I am going to touch on 2 very important ones that I don’t think get spoken about enough… Everyone can go shopping, go for a massage or get their hair done but these two things are simple and very important in everyday life. 

The way we talk to ourselves is one of the most important self love tools in my book. 

If we send positive thoughts through our mind and body this will bring more confidence out in us, self worth and lower anxiety. 

A few examples of self talk can be:

  • I am strong 
  • I am beautiful 
  • I am good enough 
  • I am brave 
  • I am confident 

Next form of self love is prioritising yourself which I know a lot of people don’t do. This is learning to say no to things, going to do things that make you happy, disregarding what others have to say about certain things and doing it anyways if it fulfils the happiness bucket. 

A few examples is:

  • Going to that cafe and eating on your own because its what you want to do.
  • It’s going for a surf instead of sleeping in 
  • It’s saying no to dinner plans because you want to go to the gym 
  • It’s staying home to watch a movie or read a book instead of going clubbing. 

So starting today let’s focus on more positive self talk activities throughout your day and learning to put yourself first. 

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