

I have been reading a lot lately and something sparked this thought in my head. The way humans act is so different between each individual but yet we have stereotypes and similar thoughts in certain situations. 
Think about this… 
Just because they act like an idiot doesn’t make them wrong and just because you got offended doesn’t make you right. 
We need to learn to step outside of the situation and look from above. We need to learn to take both sides into account but also understand there can be an underlying issue that we just have no idea about. 
We don’t have the option to control what happens but we have the option on how we react and the thoughts we have. 
Next time you are in a situation think about why are you offended or upset? Why are they being an idiot and do they have a point? Should you be the bigger person and just take it in your stride plus understand that you as a person are not what they said or should be offended if it isn't true.
Take a breath and understand it isn’t the end of the world. 
Just chill 
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