What's your WHY?

What's your WHY?

When the why is clear, the how is easy!
How many of you feel lost or not satisfied with your current situation?
…Now how many of you even know what will make you feel complete, happy and fulfilled?
I’m not talking about the clique things like ‘I do my job because I need to pay bills that’s why’ or ‘I do that because my parents told me too and that will make them happy that’s why’.
I’m talking about the real reason. The reason you want to jump out of bed every morning and say I’m TAKING OVER this world and I WILL run it the way I want. That’s the real why!
The emotional side to your why is what I’m after. If we have the emotional attachment it will be so much harder to just give up…
“I rather live with a lesson learnt then a regretful heart”
Examples of a real why:
- I want to work hard to give my kids the best future and set a good example. Emotional attachment is if you don't work hard you will let your kids down…
- You may like testing your limits so your why is always find new challenges to test your mind, body and seeing how far you can go. Emotional attachment is if you don't test yourself you will feel guilt and regret.
- You want to work to help others. You have a real drive to coach, teach and guide people that may need the extra help. ie sport coaches, teachers, disability workers, carers, PTs… Emotional attachment is If you don't stay driven to do more by learning/up-skill, find new drills, create new lessons or games for them then you have let down your team, a classroom of kids, clients etc.
So your goal today is to take time out with a pen and paper to really think about your real reason why! This can be anything as long as its truely yours and when you look at it you know 100% it’s your REAL REASON WHY!
Yes this may be a bit of a wake up call for some and a few big changes are needed but that’s exciting because you now get to start a hold new chapter of life!
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