You control your situations

You control your situations

You always have control. You are the one who sets your alarm, you are the one that picks up your fork to feed your face, you decide the perfume you wear daily, you decide who you want to date, you control your mouth and your thoughts so don’t sit there and say you can’t help this or that because I bet you can!
How many times have you set your alarm to wake up early to go for a run, see the sunrise or just get up early to do some work but then you hit snooze only to wake up later when your second alarm goes off but now feeling regret all because you didn’t get up and do what YOU HAD CONTROL OVER.
How many times have you let a negative comment get to you all day then once you go to sleep and wake up the next day you are fine? When 12-15 hours ago you could of let it go and not affect you in the first place as you know your own self worth because YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR THOUGHTS & EMOTIONS.
How many times have you thought the world was against you but if you just had written that report first instead of making a coffee, or you lost your car keys but really you never put them back where they belong or you got soaking wet running to your car from work but really you should have had an umbrella next to your desk or you think your boss only picks on you but really you don’t like your job so you don't have the same passion for the work like your boss does and that’s why they are getting angry. You don't apply yourself and instead of TAKING CONTROL to go do your dream job you just sit there and complain.
The hardest choices in life end up being some of the best choices you ever make trust me. I will give you 2 realistic situations as examples to back what I am saying.
1. After 2 years of being an Assistant Manager of the gym I work at I was struggling to figure out if I wanted to give it up or not. The reason to stay was a solid income, sick leave, annual leave as well as that I was having thoughts of not putting pressure on a close friend of having to find a new assistant but this all was at the cost of me being happy all the time when I could have been. After a chat and a small push I stepped down and YES 100% I was scared!!! I was going to be self employed and I’ve never been taught how to run my own business BUT I knew deep down this is what I wanted long term even if it scared me… So many times we hear friends, family and even randoms we chat to at the local cafe etc complain about being unhappy doing the job they have but what are they doing about it? Probably NOTHING and that's the issue. No one wants to take control, they want to easy options. I can tell you now if you want to easy option every time you’ll probably stay exactly where you are now and in 10-20 years time you'll be left with regret and guilt with the one question circling in your head… “Why didn’t I just try?”
2. Football. Now for anyone that knows me they know football is my life, I have played for 18 years, have been overseas, played in many tournaments, won many awards and I have just suffered my 2nd ACL injury requiring my second operation to repair the damage. NOW I haven’t been going to football on Sunday’s and for me that’s huge. I see game day like church. It’s the one day every week I do nothing but focus on football. The past 5-6 weeks I haven't been to one game in Sydney not 1. Yes that isn’t very supportive of me I know BUT this is my example of controlling a situation even when it’s super hard for you because you know no different. Football is my outlet where I can express myself, have fun with friends, enjoy 90mins of the game I love and the real world issues just fly out the window when I step onto that field. So not being able to step on the field and having that time made me feel worse, sitting there not being able to just run and kick a ball something so simple killed me inside. So I withdrew myself from the situation and I have focused my time on bettering myself, my business, helping others and spending time with family so I controlled my happiness.
These are 2 examples that most can relate to with work or something they love showing that the hardest choice might suck A LOT but it was for the better for myself to be happier.
You can always take control. You have the option to let a negative comments affect you or you can understand who you are as a person and know that the comment made wasn’t you but more a reflection of the person that made the comment.
You can always take control. You have the option to sit on your butt and wish away your health or you can get up and work for that healthy lifestyle you dream of. Don’t blame not knowing something either because you can msg, email, call or walk into a gym and talk to a fitness professional to help guide you plus there are so many free apps on your phone to help which I’m sure most are reading this off.
You can always take control. You have the option to stay in that negative relationship, friendship or even toxic family situations. You have control to walk away, hold your head high and be strong to move on. If you need to seek help we live in a world where people are waiting to help.
You can always take control. You have the option to have a positive mindset or negative mindset. Change how you see situations, find the positive and stop seeing everything as a problem. Every situation has a solution you just have to figure it out and fix it.
Work shirt was dirty – Should’ve checked the washing the night before.
I have no food – Should’ve gone to the shops instead of watching Netflix.
I slept in and I'm late – Should have gone to bed earlier and have two alarms instead of one.
My client didn’t turn up - Should have sent a reminder msg the day before
My partner is unhappy - Should have sent them flowers or called to check in on them.
That list could go on and on but you get the idea. You have the chance to take control and change anything. It’s just how bad do you want something.
Anyone reading this is 100% capable of doing anything but it all starts with you taking control.
Maddi Costanzo
Winners win
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